Hey! Hello! Hi! This sucker here is my super awesome personal website on the WORLD WIDE WEB(!!!!). In the age of good ol' corporate internet, where the likes of Elon Musk have screwed up people's social-networking experience with their bullcrap, a non-commercial platform where you can just be yourself is hard to come by. So enter this Neocities website, my very own personalised corner of the web and a place to immortalise myself online.

Up there are the links to navigate this website. Feel free to take bits and bobs from my source code, but please be aware that it is an utter mess because I have no idea how to write clean, organised code. Anyways, have fun :D


Like what you see? Follow my site ;)


Original website base template & graphics: Teppy's layouts

Stamps & blinkies: The blinkie hoard & Pixel safari & Adrian's collection

Wriothesley pixel gif: Hao-Zin

Music player: Glen Themes