Chemistry has been kicking my ass as of recent. I did very well for the first unit: reaction kinetics--but now that dynamic equilibrium has rolled around, I feel like I'm being punished for foolishly believing I've mastered high school chemistry. Because spring break starts next week, the unit felt like a massive crunch and I was helplessly being dragged along. I did a quiz today and received a mark of 84% which is... definitely not my best work. At least now I know what I need to study, for the test that's literally tomorrow.
I feel as though every time I do an assesment, there's always one or two things I happen to miss. It's frustrating, no doubt. The fact that this unit heavily relies on reading comprehension also doesn't help. I feel like I cannot do calculations and read/understand long, wordy questions at the same time. It's like, when I flick one side on, the other switches off.
Another thing that displeases me is Agamemnon, from the Iliad. This guy just keeps pissing me off. He sacrifices his daughter Iphigenia so that his forces can sail to Troy, refuses to give up his war prize Chryseis when Greek soldiers were dying of the plague (which Apollo inflicted on them for kidnapping his priest's daughter), then pisses off Achilles majorly by demanding Briseis as compensation, and is generally just so antagonistic towards everyone??? This dude just straight up sucks. I swear he doesn't even care about winning the war.
And finally, Achilles. Now I don't hate Achilles as much as I hate Agamemnon, because at least he has some redeeming characteristics. But I can't get behind the fact that this man-child keeps whining about everything while being the reason why the Trojan War goes on for so long. Bro literally gets slighted by Agamemnon and decides to hole up in his tent instead of fighting the damn war he signed up for. Oh boo hoo Patroclus died (I love you Pat, sorry), WELL MAYBE if you were actually on the field he wouldn't have.
That aside, I feel like I should rename my Iliad shrine to just being an Epic cycle shrine, since I do want to talk about things that happen before/during/after the Trojan war that aren't necessarily described in the Iliad. I would also like to write a longer blog post where I just rant about the characters I love and hate. It would definitely sound incoherent and plain stupid though.