In the far reaches of space, Ithacus serves as an enforcer for the Galactic Peace Federation (GPF), maintaining control over their colonial territories in exchange for the economic titan’s favour. Once a proud and fierce independent power, Ithacus now measures its worth through its utility to greater powers, creating tension between its subjects.
Artemis Aetos, the unprepared heir to the Ithacian throne, finds more comfort in her laboratory than the throne she's destined to inherit. Her unfiltered honesty and lack of interest in politicking make her an unconventional leader-to-be, much to the criticism of the House Council and other Ithacian nobles. She finds escape in her scientific pursuits: reseraching Aether Spheres—powerful objects of pure energy—alongside Troy Vulcan, her closest friend and research partner.
The youngest son of House Vulcan, Troy was marked as an outsider since birth due to his physical limitations. He masks his differences with his unmatched intellect, ambition, and passion for Aether research. Since age sixteen, when he first encountered an Aether Core tearing through the sky, its promises of perfection have haunted him. Ever since his discovery, Troy and Artemis' Aether Spheres--all connected to one another through the Aether Core--have been implemented in Ithacus' healthcare, transportation, manufacturing, and more. But when Lykos' uncle, Agrius Areius, arrives seeking to weaponize their research against colonial resistance, Troy impulsively flees Ithacus with his research to prevent its military use.
During Troy's escape attempt, Artemis pursues him with help from Remi, a bounty hunter whose loyalty to Troy runs deeper than mere credits. Their confrontation results in an accidental hyperjump that causes the Core to fracture, scattering its pieces across different worlds. Guided by Sophira, the goddess of wisdom in disguise, Artemis and Troy embark on a decade-long quest to retrieve the scattered fragments. Throughout their journey, they face fierce opposition from the GPF, gods, monsters, and rival factions who test their strength, wits, and determination. Troy discovers that his connection to the Core grants him abilities beyond his imagination, though these powers may come at a price--one that may reveal him to be the toughest challenge the crew has to face.
Back on Ithacus, Artemis' younger sister Aria faces mounting political challenges: from growing threats to her rule, aggressive suitors hungry for power, to the sudden collapse of Aether Sphere technology on Ithacus. With their mother Empress Cassandra Aetos’ health failing and time running short to make amends with her, Aria is torn between advocating for peace and independence from the GPF and continuing the legacy of her mother who she is terrified of becoming. Her pacifist ideals put her in direct opposition with Agrius Areius, who seeks to exploit House Aetos' weakness to gain power in the council, whom already doubt her leadership capabilities. Secretly, Aria finds allies within an underground resistance movement working to end GPF colonial influence, establish democratic governance, and restore Ithacian cultural identity.
Meanwhile, Lykos Areius, the husband of Artemis, finds himself caught between love and legacy. Shaped by his father's cruelty, he struggles to connect emotionally with his son Argo and be the father and man he needs in Artemis' absence. Bitter due to Artemis and Troy's sudden, unexplained escape, and yearning for fatherly love and guidance, his uncle Agrius becomes a new pillar in Lykos' life. As Agrius' influence grows, Lykos must choose between supporting his uncle's militaristic vision, and Aria's peaceful vision for Ithacus' future. With his son feeling betrayed by his mother’s apparent abandonment, Lykos must also find it within himself to break the cycle he was raised in.
The story culminates in a conflict that forces each character to confront impossible choices: Artemis and Troy between power and redemption, Aria between tradition and revolution, and Lykos between family legacy and love. Their decisions will determine not only their own fates but also whether Ithacus can break free from its cycles of violence and reclaim its independence and identity from the GPF's control.