[27/2/2025] Created a directory page for my OCs.
[25/2/2025] Working on a page for my Greek myth OC.
[18/2/2025] Created the microblog page.
[17/2/2025] Got rid of my journal page. Added a microblog (still under construction) and blog page (using BearBlog). Check out my newest blog post about brown butter pasta.
[16/2/2025] Added my Tumblr link into the nav. You can now see it live in the main section iframe.
[1/2/2025] Edited multiple pages to fit the CSS of the new index. Reading list page has been added and will be continuously updated.
[24/1/2025] Major website revamp. Expect it to remain under construction for a while.
[22/1/2025] Minor adjustments to About and Home pages.
[18/1/2025] Slowly updating pages to get rid of that annoying horizontal scroll bar at the bottom.
[9/12/2024] Changed the "Wrio art of the week" box into a thought dump/mini diary.
[30/9/2024] Revamped journal page.
[28/9/2024] Revamped shrine page.
[12/9/2024] Adjustments to my about page.
[12/9/2024] Added an entrance page.
[9/9/2024] Turned the lower box into an "art of the week" section. Rounded corners.
[30/8/2024]Adding more boxes to the index, please mind the mess.
[26/8/2024] Added stuff to links page.
[24/8/2024] Added a links page, still under construction. New music player down below.
[23/8/2024] Added a navigation bar and transferred links from sidebox. Added a webring section. Will be working on spiffing up the about page, so please mind the mess for now. Thanks.
[24/7/2024] Changed "photos" to "gallery". Finished page construction and uploaded first image.
[15/7/2024] Added a photos page, still under construction.
[11/7/2024] Added the Wriothesley shrine page :3
[10/7/2024] Added more blinkies/stamps and did some minor adjustments.
[9/7/2024] Changing layout; adding iframes so updating content won't be such a pain and generally just spiffing up the overall look
[8/7/2024] Website goes live!